Tique Tone : 555 Timer Experimental Drum Synth

by maomakmaa

Breadboard Melodromatron

"melange of 556 ramped tone generator, 4040 ripple counter, gated cd40106 triggers and 741 opamp variable bandpass filter, LEDs and lots of LDRs."


The Tubbie Box - Circuit Bent Contraption

"Here's a new kind of box, this time made from the guts of an interactive red Teletubbie doll. The light box is originally from the doll's stomach, ripped out, rehoused, and glitched out. Lots of interesting switches that mess up the noises which already sounded weird to begin with."

by carpeteria

Intimate Game Controller

Intimate Game Controller by Jennifer Chowdhury

"My thesis work involves building game controllers into undergarments so that games are played through players physically touching one another. The goal of this project was to research and create objects that challenge the traditional notions and orientation of video game play."

flickr set

have a look at this too : bra game controller

via we-make-money-not-art.com/

midi would be cool !

Worms Making Music

by ashfordaisyak
digging out some oldies but goldies.

MIDI Mouse Mod

a bit old I guess...
the MIDI Mouse Mod
freeware by analogx.com/