inSEQt Sequencer by Anyware-Instruments

some pictures of a prototype
built by
more info on
even more here
Flame MIDI -Talking Synth

remember sendling: Flame-MIDI-Speakjet ?
a new version incl. sounds here
the english translation provided by google here
VSTi version of the Waterproof Soundlab

remember this one ?
Waterproof Soundlab built by Matthias
fonik has made a VSTi plug-in of it...
download :
Circuit Bending by farnea
Kunt again

well, by now you should be knowing that I`m a
true fan of those lovely rocking ladies.
nice set by anttia on flickr.
the slideshow
Simple 8-step sequencer for the sound Lab

by dnny in electro-music
with a little inspiration from the Pig by
René Schmitz
please see also
Dataton Synth

the very rare swedish Dataton synth, built in the late 70`.
located in the synthorama CH-Lutherbach.
photos on flickr by hugo_33_im_toaster.
merci hugo ! ;-)
Super Klee Sequencer

I`m sure to be the last to spot this. but ...
there is a thread in the electro-music forum
about the Super Klee Sequencer.
A project by Scott Stites.
His site : Diary of a mad synth builder
" The sequencer was intended to be a 32 step sequencer, based on four independent 8 stage sequencers that could be chained in any combination. I'd perfected a method of interlocking two 8 stage sequencers, each independently controlled from a different clock. I'd come up with a number of ways of taking advantage of the method in which they were chained - it was basically a 'hand-off' from one eight stage sequencer to the next. Manipulating how the hand-off was executed, and using two different clocks provided a terrific means of producing interesting new patterns out of the same step sequence. Throw into that the ability to control the direction of sequence with each section (whether chained or independent), and you get the idea that it can do a lot with a single set of pot settings. That is what the 'async' sample consists of that I have posted here. Each segment of the sample is a single take (no overdubbing) of the sequencer controlling different voices with the handoff happening in an asynchronous manner. Each controlling counter chip is controlled by a different division of the master clock." (Scott Stites)
please visit electro-music for more info including schematics .......

absolutly beautiful site from germany dealing with vintage musical electronic toys.
please visit this link to compose your own piece of music with these instruments.
site design by
circuit bending workshop in sweden
through a member of
please visit his website
more pictures here
see also getlofi.
EMS Synthi AKS Test
a couple of far too short EMS synthi AKS test clips by 123synthland
hit the title link for the others...
Metasonix vs. EOwave
hit the title link for original posting.
mp3 here
originally in
posted in

"Dewanatron: a family of instruments which hazard unpredictable behaviors and self playing tendencies. They make all previous and future instruments obsolete."
" The Swarmatron was created to produce eight tones tuned approximately to one note, each tone slightly different in pitch to produce a complex and natural choral effect.
These eight oscillators can be played with a single ribbon controller (variable resistor) to move the pitch center up or down.
The span control expands the sound of a swarm of eight notes spread just a few cents apart into a wide chord of equidistant pitches spread over the entire spectrum. The player can "taffy pull" the resulting chord by using the span control and pitch ribbon in tandem.
Swarms of sine waves evoke swarms of angels congregating. Swarms of sawtooth waves evoke the swarming of bees. The sound of a host of voices, earthly or unearthly, has a unique character recognized by the ear even when they are folded together in unison."
some sounds :
long division
excerpt from march
excerpt from rumble seat
picture, text and music taken from
Maestro Ring Modulator

"to my knowledge, this is the first ring Modulator ever created. It was part of the 'Analog synthesizer' module that Bob Moog, Tom Oberheim and the folks at ARP worked on in the 70s. That is basically where all the early Maestro "pedals" came from. This piece is super rare,and though it is missing its foot pedal, it would command a lot of dough on Ebay"
comment and picture by ruk777
check at for more information
MIDIbox SEQUENCER V3 by Thorsten Klose from ucapps
latest demonstration of the MIDIBOX sequencer V3
latest features.
video on youtube
by Thorsten Klose
see also in german
3 to 3 Mechanical Sequencer by Anttia

"Mechanical sequencer made from rotary switch and a motor. 3 Channels, 4 steps for every channnel."
found on
MSQ51 Sequencer by Georg Mahr

"MSQ51 ist der Sammelbegriff für einen kleinen Sequenzer, der immer MIDI, aber auch CV/Gate ausgibt. Die Bedienungsoberfläche besteht aus 2 Reihen LEDs sowie 2 Endlos Digipots - hierüber werden alle Funktionen gesteuert."
mehr hier
betriebsanleitung hier
seine website :
big modular by self oscillate

beautiful big modular synth by self oscillate aka ingo.
be sure to visit his website :
many doepfer examples done by him: here
The Definitive Guide to Evolver by Anu Kirk
I`m sure everybody has already seen this
beautiful Guide to the Evolver by Anu Kirk...
found on
download pdf.
beautiful Guide to the Evolver by Anu Kirk...
found on
download pdf.
HARMONY by Jack Dollhausen

"Steel, baling wire, infrared sensor, programmable circuit, make moving patterns of light in response to movement of warm bodies within twenty ft. " Jack Dollhausen
his website here
more machines
thanks to
The Hohner Multimonica

"The Multimonika was a commercial hybrid electronic/acoustic instrument manufactured by the German company, Hohner GmbH and designed by the German instrument designer Harald Bode . The Multimonica was a two keyboard combination of a wind-blown reed harmonium instrument, controlled by a 41 note lower keyboard, and an electronic monophonic sawtoooth generator contolled by the upper keyboard. The Multimonica was marketed in Europe from 1940. "
found at the audio playground keyboard museum.
go to
Weird Sound Generaton (WSG) by Harri

another beautiful Weird Sound Generator (WSG)
built by Harri.
more pictures on flickr
more about the WSG on
Weird Sound Generator (WSG) by panafonic

Weird Sound Generator (WSG) by panafonic.
want to build your own WSG ?
schematics, howtos ... here
please visit
from the panafonic blog
ProConX by EES

a handy MIDI remote made in germany.
"Der ProConX ist eine handliche MIDI Fernbedienung. Mit seiner Hilfe können Expander, Effektgeräte oder andere MIDI - Empfänger gesteuert werden.Der ProConX kann in den MIDI Signalweg eingeschleift werden. Dann werden die ankommenden MIDI-Daten mit den Daten, die der ProConX erzeugt, "gemerged".Der ProConX kann auf allen 16 MIDI Kanälen alle128 möglichen Programmwechsel - Befehle senden. ..."
Bedienungsanleitung pdf. (D) hier
please visit for more MIDI devices.
Rotary Woofer : The World’s First True Subwoofer

Introducing the world’s first true subwoofer:
Eminent Technology’s TRW-17
infos :
additional links + pictures : here
on youtube
found through
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