Tube Multimode Filter built by Metasonix.
see here for description.
title link leads to a review by Per Wikström
on electro-music.com
Anything CAN be music, but it doesn't BECOME MUSIC until someone WILLS it to be music,
and the audience listening to it decides to PERCEIVE IT AS MUSIC.
(Frank Zappa)
" ...I decided to call my music "organized sound" and myself, not a musician, but a "worker in rhythms, frequencies and intensities." Indeed, to stubbornly conditioned ears, anything new in music has always been called noise. But after all what is music but organized noises? And a composer, like all artists, is an organizer of disparate elements. Subjectively, noise is any sound one doesn't like. "
found on zakros.com
about 50 of them built in 1978.
the title link takes you to sequencer.de