generator #14 im club mehrspur
Telemach Wiesinger + Andreas Gogol
info generator #14
generator ist eine Veranstaltung des ICST
(Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology),
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Departement Musik
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mehrspur Club.

Electroscape by Anne Rosset
Telemach Wiesinger + Andreas Gogol
info generator #14
generator ist eine Veranstaltung des ICST
(Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology),
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Departement Musik
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mehrspur Club.

Electroscape by Anne Rosset
Günther Rabl im Walcheturm
Günther Rabl
"1953 in Linz geboren, studierte Elektroakustik an der Musikhochschule Wien und beschäftigt sich seit 1976 praktisch, theoretisch und kompositorisch mit elektroakustischer Musik. Seine Arbeiten setzen sich aus Tonbandmusik, Computermusik, akustischen Inszenierungen, Kompositions- und Klangverarbeitungssoftware sowie wissenschaftlichen Studien und Vorlesungen zusammen. Günther Rabl hat sich in der Kunstszene für Neue Musik mit dem Spezialgebiet Elektroakustik einen internationalen Ruf erworben."
Konzert im Kunstraum Walcheturm
Kanonengasse 20
8004 Zürich
Günter Rabl :
Kunstraum Walcheturm:
"1953 in Linz geboren, studierte Elektroakustik an der Musikhochschule Wien und beschäftigt sich seit 1976 praktisch, theoretisch und kompositorisch mit elektroakustischer Musik. Seine Arbeiten setzen sich aus Tonbandmusik, Computermusik, akustischen Inszenierungen, Kompositions- und Klangverarbeitungssoftware sowie wissenschaftlichen Studien und Vorlesungen zusammen. Günther Rabl hat sich in der Kunstszene für Neue Musik mit dem Spezialgebiet Elektroakustik einen internationalen Ruf erworben."
Konzert im Kunstraum Walcheturm
Kanonengasse 20
8004 Zürich
Günter Rabl :
Kunstraum Walcheturm:
Circuit Bent Radical Rhythm Guitar with two LFOs
In addition to a monster pitch bend, this has two LFO's - one triggering sounds and one modulating the pitch. Both are modeled on the 555 timer LFO from Casper Electronics
by 3rdness
more on
Bend Matrix trigger jack and MIDI output
Demo of Bend Matrix triggered by a guitar to step the sequencer forward. Also has Step-back and Play/Pause trigger jacks. BM's MIDI output is going to a MIDI synth which generates the piano sounds.
by 4mspedals
Torben Sangild : The Aesthetics of Noise
Noise can blow your head out. Noise is rage. Noise is ecstatic. Noise is psychedelic. Noise is often on the edge between annoyance and bliss. Noises are many things. Noise is a difficult concept to deal with.
The Aesthetics of Noise
by Torben Sangild
via Christine Webster
The Aesthetics of Noise
by Torben Sangild
via Christine Webster
ModTone MT-AD Vintage Analog Delay Pedal
The ModTone MT-AD Vintage Analog Delay is a buffered bypass boutique style pedal that recreates classic medium length delays (130ms - 350ms) and vintage slapback echos.
by ProGuitarShopDemos
dorkbot swiss Valbella8
Neue Aktivitäten bei den Schweizer dorkbots, die sich diesmal als
"people doing strange things with communication" formieren.
"people doing strange things with communication" formieren.

Anyone going to Music China 2008
I wonder if there are any readers/visitors of my site
who are going to Music China 2008 in Shangai?
I would like to find someone who can take a
lot of pictures (and brochures?) of the
Chinese guitar effects :) (of course! ;))
DiscoFreq needs help ! :-)
and yes, I`d love to see some pix too.....
who are going to Music China 2008 in Shangai?
I would like to find someone who can take a
lot of pictures (and brochures?) of the
Chinese guitar effects :) (of course! ;))
DiscoFreq needs help ! :-)
and yes, I`d love to see some pix too.....
Klee Sequencer Panel Design

Klee Panel Design design is by problemchild & patstormont.
via the "Post Your KLEE Panels Designs Here"
thread at
update from Luca:
"... and might need some tweaks if built (like the clock & cv pot positions)"
Potar's Dub Box
Loosely based around the OG Dub Sirens and Delay units that helped to create that spacey Dub Reggae sound. This is an all in one unit, Laser/Air Horn sound Fx, 4 different delay settings, 1/4" Microphone Input, & 1/4" Output.
by potar
his site:
Squarewave Parade DowngradeV2, Moles20r, and Teaspoon.
Trying some more self contained (no audio being fed into the input at the front of the chain).
Frostwave sequencer passing two sets of cv sequences into the Downgrade V2 and the Moles20r filter.
Teaspoon is along for the ride at the end.
by thetonewrecker
aka. Paul Birken
Elena Ungeheuer: Musik als intermediale Kunst (D)

Prof. Elena Ungeheuer von der TU Berlin
mit dem Referat "Musik als intermediale Kunst"
podcast via
Boss DR-550 Circuit bent Drum Machine
A Boss Dr. Rhythm DR-550 Drum Machine with
added RCA patchbay for glitchy craziness.
by anode8
more on
Retro Sampler Rack
Danelectro Chicken Salad Rehouse photo-tutorial
Danelectro Chicken Salad Rehouse photo-tutorial
Anybody looking for this info:
you might find some on
Experimentalists Anonymous Sandwich Echo #13
This a demo video of the sandwich echo, which is a rehoused and modified danelectro PB&J.
by eaced
Puredata sequencing modular synth
"In this video, I'm using Puredata (Pd) to sequence a analog modular system."
by shadowfac
Gmöttophon MK2 ||| 8-step sequencer NAND noise
an new instrument using the SGMK sequencer
and some abused NAND gates, 4093 CMOS.
by dusjagr
e-scape 12-1
music + visual by
more on
please visit electroscape on Mx3
STEIM needs your support !

The Dutch music research organization STEIM is responsible for exploring and redefining the boundaries of music making and performance - expanding old notions of instrumentation and interaction into elements many sound-makers focus on today. Unfortunately, the governmental department that helps fund STEIM doesn't know about this -
"Things are not well at STEIM. We are in the danger of loosing our structural funding from the government, based on a review from the advisor board which called us 'closed and only appealing to a niche audience'. The outlook isn't exactly bleak, but at the moment our future is unclear."
"Things are not well at STEIM. We are in the danger of loosing our structural funding from the government, based on a review from the advisor board which called us 'closed and only appealing to a niche audience'. The outlook isn't exactly bleak, but at the moment our future is unclear."
please help STEIM, funding is in danger !
please write a letter of support:
information about the situation: here
read more about STEIM
6 Oscillators in Remittance - Cloudscraper
"6 oscillators being triggered by light sensors reacting to the
movement of the clouds across the sun - followed by a composed 16 min
soundscape where each of the 6 oscillators are fed through echo's and reverbs -"
"The Gator is my implementation of an AM based synthesizer."
more information on
also on
Jörg Piringer : nam shub web

"nam shub web is a website processor. it takes the textual content of external websites and applies user defined rules to generate visual poetry out of it. these rules consist of operations that change the text or modify the visual appearance."
more info :
SubtleNoiseMaker -- Sonic Devices for Sale

there are three sonic devices for sale at the moment.
built by subtlenoisemaker aka sascha neudeck.
more information
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